Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Update July 21 - 2010 Pro's and Con's " Fit Over 40 - Weight Loss Program" By Health Experts

Fit Over 40 Weight loss program is designed by Jon Benson with the help of Tom Venuto (the famous trainer). The intention of this program is for men and women over 40 who want to lose weight, look youthful, feel energetic, and improve their health. As always, we provide you with the information and Pro and Con opinions of health experts. It is up to you to decide if the program is suitable for you. Please consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to follow this program.

Recommended Reading

Fit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd

Resolutions to Be Fit Over 40, 50 Or Any Age
By K Bray Platinum Quality Author

The Holiday season presents us with many challenges in terms of maintaining a 'normal' calorie intake and making time for a regular exercise program. Too often people feel that they have 4-6 weeks where eating becomes a free for all and skip the gym to complete errands or attend parties and events. A beautiful buffet full of wonderful food and decadent sweets and treats we may view as a challenge to see how much we can try. The thought process is, come January we will make that resolution to get on schedule with a regular fitness routine and start a crash diet eating only celery and water.

The cold hard facts are that buying a gym membership will not solve your problems. You have to actually commit to going and not give up. A strict diet will not work, we need proper nutrition to function and have energy. Yo yo dieting is useless, you need to make a commitment to eating healthy and wisely. As we age we are at risk for health problems that can be avoided with proper diet and exercise. This should not be a fad or part of undoing a problem we created with overindulging, this should be a lifestyle choice.

Everything can be enjoyed in moderation. Drink plenty of water and make time for some exercise and even add a few minutes to each of your workouts can help keep you on track during a time when temptation is all around us. This will not be any easier come January when fitness classes are packed to capacity and you have to wait to get on a treadmill at the gym. Don't set yourself so far back that you feel you can't change your path. For good health, strong heart, bones and mobility you need to make sure that good eating habits and a regular exercise routine are part of your life today and every day.

Looking for bodybuilding over 40 ideas or suggestions? Take your weight training to another level. http://www.bodybuilder50.com

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Update July 09 - 2010 Pro's and Con's " Fit Over 40 - Weight Loss Program" By Health Experts

Fit Over 40 Weight loss program is designed by Jon Benson with the help of Tom Venuto (the famous trainer). The intention of this program is for men and women over 40 who want to lose weight, look youthful, feel energetic, and improve their health. As always, we provide you with the information and Pro and Con opinions of health experts. It is up to you to decide if the program is suitable for you. Please consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to follow this program.

Recommended Reading

Fit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd

Fit Over 40 - How to Lose Fat When You Are Over 40
By Tom Founder Platinum Quality Author

Hey, are you now in your 40's? If so, I congratulate you and am glad that you have a chance to be here. Being at your middle age may not be what you dream of. But it is unavoidable. Every people have to be here at one point of their life. There is nothing to be worried about although you start to see the crow's feet on your face. In this article, we will talk about how we can lose fat and stay fit even when we are over 40 years old.

- You will need to eat less to avoid big belly. If you do not want to change your body structure, you will have to eat less. If you want to lose weight at this age, you will have to be on diet and exercise. And you have to do it heavier than when you were younger. There is no simple solution out. What do you expect? Your fat burning capability is not as good as it used to be. That means you will accumulate more fat. If you do not eat less and exercise more, you will become fatter. That may not happen to everybody. But it happens to most people. Be prepared if you do not want your look to drastically change.

- If you do not want to eat less, you will need to change your eating habits. You can eat more fibers and proteins. Eat less fat and carbohydrates. You can use a simple formula. Half of what you eat are fresh vegetables. The change of eating habit will not only take care of your weight but also help building better health for the years to come.

- Find better exercise. You may not have as good physical strength as you used to do. Admit it. You have changed. Your exercise may have to be changed. If you are a person who exercises regularly, make sure that you monitor your exercise result closely. Find a personal trainer who understands your needs if you have to. This will help speed up the process and will be safer for you.

- Have regular physical check up. You need to know if you have any health conditions for example hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, or any other illness. If you do not have any of those, congratulations! If you know how good your health is, you will be able to act properly to maintain it or even make it better.

- Add food supplements into your recipe. The big mistake that people make in this age is that they do not care to take food supplements. Start to learn more about them and select the ones that you need. Believe me. Your regular diet will not be enough for you. Having right food supplements will greatly help you in the long run.

Feel Tired Easily and Want to Lose Weight When You are Over 40's?

Learn the Right Way to take care of your health without spending a fortune in the future.

Check Out Fit Over 40

You will never be old.


Recommended Reading
Fit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd

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