Fit Over 40 Weight loss program is designed by Jon Benson with the help of Tom Venuto (the famous trainer). The intention of this program is for men and women over 40 who want to lose weight, look youthful, feel energetic, and improve their health. As always, we provide you with the information and Pro and Con opinions of health experts. It is up to you to decide if the program is suitable for you. Please consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to follow this program.
Recommended Reading
Fit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd
Why is Weight Loss Important to You?
Nowadays it appears that everyone is on a diet, trying to lose weight for one reason or another. The reasons vary from individual to individual. I have been in the business of helping people lose weight and get in shape for several years now and I think I have heard most every reason possible. The fact is they are ALL good reasons if you yourself believe they are and if the reason motivates you to take action and keep on track.
One of the most common reasons I hear from clients that want to drop some pounds and get into better shape is that they want to look better and feel better as well as they want to have more energy. OK, that is actually 3 things, but they all seem to go together. This is quite possible and in fact is almost unavoidable if the exercise and nutrition plan that you use is one that you can enjoy without too many major changes too quickly.
I really like using Jon Benson's plan Simply Eat as it combines exercise and diet as well as gives you tips on controlling your appetite, and has various journals and methods for actually measuring your progress. If you are over 40 like me (I am 56) Tom Venuto in collaboration with Jon Benson has an e-book out that does much the same thing for a more mature audience called Fit Over 40.
While there are a few people out there that are actually too thin, the most common health problem in the US and most countries is being overweight or even obese. So let's take a good look at some of the other benefits of Weight Loss.
People that are more fit tend to live longer; those that are more fit tend to have less bodyfat. The great news is that some small changes can make huge improvements. Even a small amount of exercise combined with more healthy food choices can improve not only the quality of your life but also increase the length of it.
People that are more fit tend to think much clearer and have a sharper mind. Studies have shown that people that are more fit going into their later years tend to remain mentally sharp longer, and have considerably less instances of such diseases as Alzheimer's.
In 1932 a study done in Scotland 460 men and women were given mental and physical tests at age 11 and age 79. Those with the highest scores on the fitness tests scored higher on the mental tests also in both age groups. The more fit they were in old age the more mentally sharp they were also.
People that are physically fit also tend to have less episodes of depression. Depression is caused by an imbalance in the chemicals that transport signals between nerve cells, causing sadness. Study after study has shown strong links to depression and obesity. If you are depressed you are more likely to be obese, and if you are obese it is more likely that you are or will become depressed.
It also is well known that exercise can help relieve stress. My wife and I ride our bicycle each morning; she will be the first to tell you that those bike rides help her tremendously in dealing with the stress of taking care of our two handicapped boys as well as our two grandchildren.
Exercise along with a healthy nutrition plan can really help boost your energy levels. Just like an automobile, your body will work better if your use better fuel and take good care of it. You do this through a quality nutrition plan and a reasonable exercise plan.
I am not telling you that you have to exercise 4 hours a day or look like a professional body builder to be healthy. Simply do some healthy exercise daily and make healthier choices when it comes to food. Ryan Lee has developed a great program that will work great for the majority of people, it is called bodybot.
Jerry Goodwin has been certified as a Medical Technologist since 1977. He is also certified as a Personal Trainer, Cardiovascular Trainer and Medical exer-therapist. He is a Veteran of the US Navy having served during the Viet Nam era. Jerry also served in the Army National Guard in Ohio, Texas, Kansas and Georgia as a field medic with Infantry, Armored Cavalry, Artillery and Mechanized Infantry Units. He has earned several medals including the Army Commendation Medal. Jerry is the editor of Body Mind and Goals Ezine and the owner of BMG Services Fitness and Nutrition at
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Recommended Reading
Fit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd
As we age it seems like we put on weight twice as fast as we do trying to lose it. Doesn't it seem like everything you eat causes you to gain weight? This may happen for various reasons. One reason is because as we become older, our metabolism tends to slow down. Other reasons could be due to medical issues such as a thyroid problem. However, for the most part, it could be just the common "middle-age spread." You probably know it well. It's when we begin to put on weight in our stomachs, buttocks, and thighs. There are ways to combat weight gain and get down to a healthy weight without struggling to do it.
Ask Yourself These Questions
This may seem like common sense but it's important to figure out your own health patterns.
1. Do you exercise less?
2. Are you eating more?
3. What types of foods are you eating?
These questions are important because they have a lot to do with why it is difficult to lose weight in general but even more so after 40 years of age.
Get moving - If you are not exercising, you should probably create a workout plan for yourself. It doesn't need to be a strenuous program, especially if you haven't exercised for a long period of time. Your doctor should be able to give you a beginner's exercise plan. For the most part, you can start off with walking for 20 minutes per day and increasing your time as you improve.
Eating better food - One big mistake that people make is they begin to starve themselves hoping the lack of food will make them lose weight faster. Starving isn't necessary. Two excellent eating plans that help people lose weight almost effortlessly are the clean eating plan and the paleolithic (caveman diet) plan. Either eating plan works well for many people because they promote foods that are fresh and never processed. These are the types of food we should be eating - more vegetables, fruit, nuts, and lean meats.
How we eat will determine how much weight we lose even more so than exercise alone. One final note - try not to get caught up in the tv ads about ab machines that will help you lose weight. They are marketing spot reduction which doesn't exist. Save yourself money and time by avoiding them.
I would suggest starting an exercise and eating plan that will build your confidence as you get results. Jon Benson's "Fit Over 40" program is a great place to start for those who just need a plan to follow and execute. Get an overview by visiting
Article Source:
Recommended ReadingFit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd
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