Friday, July 31, 2009

Pro and Con " Fit Over 40 " Weight Loss Program By Health Experts

Fit Over 40 is designed by Jon Benson with the help of Tom Venuto (the famous trainer). The intention of this program is for men and women over 40 who want to lose weight, look youthful, feel energetic, and improve their health. As always, we provide you with the information and Pro and Con opinions of health experts. It is up to you to decide if the program is suitable for you. Please consult with your doctor before applying, if you decide to follow this program.

Recommended Program

Fit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd

Fit Over 40 Reviews
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

Fit Over 40 is an ebook which was created by Jon Benson with the help of Tom Venuto (the famous trainer). The ebook is intended for men and women over 40 who want to get lean, look youthful, feel energetic, and improve their health.

The main part of the book is a role modeling part. In it, Jon Benson brings to you the stories of remarkable people over 40 who maintain a physique and fitness level which would make them a source of envy for 20 year olds'. What this does is allow you to tap into the successes of other people like you, take what works for them, and apply it in your own life. Role modeling is a powerful method to achieve fast results in any field. It reduces the learning curve so that you can quickly and easily start doing the right and effective things.

However, you also learn how Jon Benson himself transformed his life by bringing all that he learned from these people he interviewed together and formulated a plan which helped him lose over 65 pounds, increase muscle mass by over 10 pounds, and basically reinvent himself, and save his health and well being. This is something which you can start using today and see results in a short time.

Fit Over 40 can help you begin the process of rejuvenation. It not only deals with diet and fitness but with a whole range of health issues which we usually start noticing as we progress in years. Anything from high blood pressure, the effects of aging, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, lack of muscle mass, and so on, is worked on in this ebook.

Reviews of Fit Over 40 are highly positive from professional and regular users alike. I believe it's a valuable resource for any young at heart individual who wishes to be as fit, sexy, energetic, and youthful as possible.

To read more about this program, visit this webpage:
Fit Over 40 Review

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Fitness For Seniors

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Recommended Program
Fit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd

Fit Over 40 - Not Just Another Diet Book
By Iain McLean

One of the most popular fitness e-books on the internet today is the 'Fit Over 40' eBook. Written by self confessed former-fatty Jon Benson, the book starts out by empathising with the reader, for Jon admits that he struggled badly to transform his body and mind to become the fit and healthy person he is today. I found this to be very motivational as I knew that Jon faced the same trials and tribulations that I faced, and he overcame them!

Motivation is one of the key factors in successful weight loss, and Fit Over 40 delivers it in spades. It does this by cataloguing the experiences of a whole range of people over the age of 40, a total of 52 people in fact, and giving the reader an insight into what problems each of them faced, and the techniques they used to overcome them. If you are worried that you wont be able to emulate some of their successes, keep in mind that some of them are well into their 70's so age is no excuse!

Fit Over 40 teaches you how to set your goals appropriately if you are to achieve the same levels of fitness as people in the book. It teaches you that you don't need to set unrealistic and unachievable goals of many pro-athletes in order for them to get in great shape.

Uniquely, Fit Over 40 goes further than just telling you how to lose weight. It acknowledges the fact that its target readership is also starting to slow down as they age. Therefore, it, very successfully in my opinion, offers good advice on how to address the aging process that occurs to all of us as we grow older. Co-author Tom Venuto takes over at this point and concentrates on weight and strength training, aerobic training, nutrition for a healthy lifestyle and recovery and renewal. He also takes time to explain the importance of a positive mental attitude and how to achieve one.

Fit Over 40 isn't just another diet guide, or set of exercises - its a whole lifestyle plan for the over 40's. But, whether you are over 40, or even half that age, the advice and motivation passed on through this book will change your life for better.

If you would like to turn your life around and feel like a new person then head on over to this website and pick up a copy of this invaluable guide. At only $39.00 it could be the most valuable thing you buy this year.

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Recommended Program
Fit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd

Fit Over 40
By Neil A Thomas

Whenever I am asked how old I am one of the answers I will sometimes give is that there has been a lot of water gone under this bridge. I don't really know where this comes from, maybe my father had something to do with it.

Nowadays we seem to be more obsessed about age than we ever have been, people tend to want to stay young, rather than grow old gracefully, I suppose that is why plastic surgery is now just routine.

When we were young people over 40 were old codgers, when you get to 40 younger people just don't know where its at. Maybe we should all just be thankful that we are still around to enjoy life to the full.

For the thought that when you get to 40 you are over the hill, the reply should be life begins at 40, the one thing you do attain as you get older is experience in many things and a better understanding of life.

I have been fortunate in my life to have spent a lot of time on the road, this has led to meeting many people, of many different cultures and countries and overall there was a general understanding that older people should be respected, when the respect is not present, that is when you have problems.

A very funny writer in the UK was once asked what was his definition of old age, to which he replied Old age is when you think it is perfectly normal to spend most of the evening in the toilet! I think when you get to that stage you have got some serious thinking to do.

I have spent a large part of my life involved in sport and one of the questions you ask yourself when you stop is what do I do now. The answer is obvious, you don't have to stop, just maybe change to a less physical or demanding type. Fitness is not just in the body, a large part of being fit is also in the mind and also what you eat and your lifestyle.

Nowadays a lot of fitness regimes tend to revolve around the younger generation, this is not a bad thing as a big problem worldwide seems to be childhood obesity, I also think young people spend more time indoors so getting them out is good.

There is a good site for fitness and health relating to those over 40 and it can be found here:


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