Friday, July 31, 2009

Pro and Con " Fit Over 40 " Weight Loss Program By Health Experts

Recommended Program
Fit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd

Fit Over 40 - Know Your Body's Factory Settings
By Robert Reddin Platinum Quality Author

Getting fit when you are over 40 presents some challenges not faced by a younger person. As we approach middle age keeping fit and healthy is not the same as it was when we were in our twenties and thirties. For some of us, it may even be payback time for all those unhealthy lifestyle choices we made when we could burn the candle at both ends. This is the first of a series of articles, each of which shows you how to overcome one of the five main barriers to being fit over 40.

As we pass the 40 mark, we gain weight more easily and find it harder to lose than we once might have done. Even if we have being going to the gym regularly, our usual workouts become less effective and we are less able to work out as intensively. Our busy modern lifestyle makes it a challenge to eat healthily and taking regular exercise; more often than not we take insufficient exercise and grab the most convenient meal, irrespective of whether that is the healthy option.

We are not all from the same mould and we each have our own issues and requirements for our personal health. What we have in common is that we need to have a healthy diet and to take exercise.

There are five main barriers to staying fit over 40. The first of which is:

Your idea of the "perfect" body

You were born with a set of "factory settings" that are unique to you. One of which is your optimum weight. By the time we have reached forty, we have had years of conditioning about what is the perfect body to which we should aspire. We have been bombarded with one diet fad after another for so long that we have forgotten that we are fighting against what nature intended for us; we are trying to change our "factory settings". We have forgotten that if we work with our bodies, instead of against them, we will get the results we desire more quickly and be able to maintain them more easily.

Once you accept the body you were born with you can return to your normal weight as nature intended without being on a perpetual weight loss diet. The perfect body for you is the one programmed into your "factory settings". Accepting the body you were born with will set you free from the treadmill of following one diet after another in your attempts to be someone else's idea of the perfect body.

In the next article in the series, Minding your Metabolism, I show you why you are not the victim of your metabolism.

As we go into middle age, it is important to pay attention to our health as many conditions such as the pre-diabetic stage appear at this time in our lives. Having a healthy diet and active lifestyle are the keys to being fit over 40.

Robert Reddin is a freelance writer who, for more than 7 years, has been writing about a wide range of subjects of interest to him. Robert has numerous off-line and on-line articles to his credit. You can get more information about being Fit Over 40 Here!

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Recommended Program
Fit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd

Fit Over 40 - Minding Your Metabolism
By Robert Reddin Platinum Quality Author

Getting fit when you are over 40 can present some dietary challenges particularly if we are to stave off the health conditions that start to appear in middle age. Some of these conditions are the result of lifestyle choices we made many years before. This is the second of a series of articles, each of which shows you how to overcome one of the five main barriers to being fit over 40.

There are five main barriers to staying fit over 40. The second of which is:

Minding your metabolism

When we were younger it seemed like we could eat anything we chose and not put an ounce of weight on. It wasn't true, but as we probably had a more active lifestyle back then we were most likely burning up those additional calories. Now we are that bit older and a bit less active, it is all to easy to pile on the pounds.

Our metabolism converts the fuel in the food we eat into the energy needed to power everything we do, from moving to thinking to growing. We create our own metabolism by the choices of food we eat and our dietary habits. Consume more energy than you use and your body stores the surplus as fat. Being overweight increases the risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes, so it is particularly important that we control our weight. We have to eat smarter, not eat less, if we want to do that.

When we restrict our calorie intake to below the minimum amount your body requires, it goes into starvation mode. When this occurs, your body starts to burn muscle tissue to get the extra fuel it needs. Your metabolism is also slowed down.

Healthy eating requires you to have a healthy balanced diet that provides enough energy to support your body. Eating six small healthy meals a day instead of two or three large meals makes it easier for your body to process the food into energy. That guarantees a faster metabolism, which turns your body into a fat burning machine. We are what we eat and that creates our metabolism. Our metabolism does not create us.

In the next article in this series Diets don't work I explain why weight loss diets don't work and reveal the secret weapon you can use to get back to normal weight.

Robert Reddin is a freelance writer who, for more than 7 years, has been writing about a wide range of subjects of interest to him. Robert has numerous off-line and on-line articles to his credit. You can get more information about being Fit Over 40 here

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Recommended Program
Fit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd

Fit Over 40
By Reuben Wallis

Some of us must have been puzzled as to why certain middle aged couple look quite fit while the only thing that seems to sprout on our faces these days are new wrinkles? Well, it may be that the secret behind the middle-aged health is finally out. The 'Fit Over 40' by Jon Benson and Tom Venuto, provides us with a insiders look into the apparent healthy lifestyle of a few middle aged folk. This e-book provides us with tantalizing clues as to why certain people tend to age less while the rest of us are apparently on a tread mill aging as fast as the wheel turns.

As Jon Benson and Tom Venuto point out in their book, the key is in having the right mindset. Aging is not avoidable altogether but with a healthy lifestyle, we can at least slowdown the process of aging. The 'Fit over 40' provides us with ways on how to speed up the metabolism so that we can burn off that excess fat. As this e-book points out, it is important to eat right and stuffing our faces with burgers is not going to do the trick. Our nutrition holds the key to maintaining our body and eating right should help us to do exactly that. It is not hard to imagine what a diet of greasy meats will do to our bodies. The 'Fit over 40' e-book is not for just the middle aged folk out there but for everyone who are interested in maintaining a healthy body. With the right mindset, right core values and the right diet, we should look fit in no time at all.

The 'Fit over 40' e-book does a lot more than provide us with nutrition plans to follow or listing out the five essentials of a healthy lifestyle. For one, it shows us the way to differentiate between the good carbohydrates and the bad ones. It also shows us the way to increase our metabolism overnight so that we can burn all those carbohydrates away. So eating mashed potatoes should not be a problem as long as we are able to get rid of it.

The 'fit over 40' contains quite a few concepts on how we can slow down the aging process. In this way, we can at least prevent any new wrinkles from further crinkling up our faces. Since time immemorial man had searched for a cure to prevent aging and it seems that between Jon Benson and Tom Venuto, they have discovered exactly that. It is no longer unusual to hear of a man or a woman living well beyond 100 years and perhaps, with this book, we may well end up as one of them.

As always, Reuben wallis seems to have hit the nail on the head while reviewing 'Fit over 40'. His review covers all the aspects of this product and you can read more by clicking here at Fit over 40 reviews.

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Recommended Program
Fit Over 40
Amazing Inspirational Anti-aging,
Health And Weight Loss E-book
For The Over 40 Crowd

A Quick Look at the Fit Over 40 Program
By Allison Thompson Platinum Quality Author

In this article we will provide a review of the Fit Over 40 eBook that can be found on the internet today. The Fit Over 40 review looks at this very interesting book which has been written by Jon Benson and Tom Venuto. But just what is so interesting in particular about this book.

Well for starters it does not tell the reader to do this, do that, eat this or do not eat that. But instead it provides a person with motivation and shows them much better ways of achieving their goals and this is all done through example in the book.

What is particularly good about this book is that during part one it describes all the struggles that Jon Benson went through in order to succeed and transform his body and health to the person you will see today. So the benefit you gain from this book is actually looking at the co-writer who will have gone through the same trials and tribulations that you are facing when you commence looking for a way to make both your body and you much healthier.

Also this eBook is particularly good as it draws on the trials and tribulations of others not just aged 40 but goes up to and includes information on people who are well into their Seventies. It provides you with an insight as to how these 52 people dealt with health issues once they had gone passed the age of 40 and to which many people will find easy to relate to. The reader of this eBook will be looking to attain the same levels of fitness as those that are shown within it rather than trying to reach the unobtainable goals of many pro-athletes in order for them to get in great shape.

Also this eBook provides the reader with the stages of helping to slow the anti aging process that occurs to all of us as we grow older. In this part Tom Venuto specifically looks at weight and strength training, aerobic training, learning to be flexible, lifelong nutrition and recovery and renewal. But he also explains why a big part in order for anyone to get fit and maintaining this fitness and so improving their lifelong health is all to do with a person's mental attitude.

At this point we must reiterate that if you are looking for a guide that will show you what exercises to do and provide you with a tailored workout plan then this is not the book for you. If however you are looking for a great read and reference book to help improve your health and fitness and to motivate you to get fit then this book is well worth considering. If this doesn't motivate you nothing will.

Whether you are over 40 or even in your 20's and need motivation and role models to get you to take action then I would consider looking at Fit Over 40. Hopefully the Fit Over 40 review provided above will provide you with a way for you to achieve your goals. Plus at only $39.00 and with a 60 day money back Guarantee this is a great value for money product.

Allison Thompson is a full time writer and researcher and fitness addict. You can find further Fit over 40 Reviews at

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